There are many ways that you can approach back linking websites, and you might be able to do it with no help. You will, however, need to seek the help of others who might have the same kind of website that you do. Therefore if you have a web site selling "laptop battries", for example, you need to Google for as much affiliated web sites as you can find. As long as you are not competing for market, they might be willing to work with your web site. You could volunteer to exchange back links with each others websites. This form of back linking web sites has been happening for a very long time, and most webmasters exchanged backlinks for reasons other than for boosting SE results. Backlinking was largely done for the purpose of assisting each others websites with website traffic.
Another technique for back linking websites is to create other websites that you own, which you can then link them to each other. Make sure to only interlink each web site to the other only once, otherwise you could find that it flops on you. One could create a web log that you use to post your daily thoughts, and then you can add links leading back to your web site. These are sometimes know as junk blogs, but if you are using it for more than just building back links to your, you ought to be fine doing it that way.
Remember when back linking web sites that you can interlink more than simply your home page of a web site. You can interlink various pages that may be relevant to where you are back linking or where you are exchanging links. To be on the safe side, only link when you update, and watch out for repeats. Also, its worth remembering that that though its possible to find a hundred different web sites for link exchanges, you might only get a fraction of them to do it. That’s alright though, since in the long run that will become their loss, leastways in the terms of SE results.
One guaranteed approach for getting the kind of back links you actually need, is to look at websites and services that will let you purchase links to your webpages. Although this may seem to be a more expensive way of getting back links at first, however when you examine the pros and cons, you’ll soon find that purchasing back links may well be more beneficial in the long run. You can normally purchase back links on authority pagerank websites, with the exact link text you like, in a portion of the time it takes to get incoming links from low pagerank websites. by Dermot OCondell
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